About med+info

It is not realistic to expect customers to remember everything the pharmacist and doctor has told them about their prescription medicine. Reliable easy to read printed information is the answer.  

med+info Leaflets

There is a med+info leaflet for every prescription medicine in New Zealand and Australia. Leaflets have 6 sections, making it easy to find information. Pharmacists at med+info prepare leaflets from medicine Manufacturers information. 

Leaflet Software

Our leaflet software is updated monthly as new information and new medicines become available. In New Zealand it is linked to the dispensary computer systems printing leaflets as the prescription is processed. Leaflets can be viewed or printed on demand. 


This section is for those people who want more information than that provided by their pharmacist and a med+info leaflet.  FAQs provide additional helpful information.


All med+info leaflets have a special section devoted to the risks and benefits of medicine and pregnancy.